My newest book ~ Living the Magic: A Walk on the Lighter Side

Living the Magic: A Walk on the Lighter SideI just released my newest book ‘Living the Magic: A Walk on the Lighter Side’.  It has been released initially as an eBook, whereas the paperback will be available in a week or so.  The book is a compilation of some of my experiences.  It is about rediscovering compassion in one’s life, as well as spirituality.

Here is a brief excerpt: “So compassion and understanding come from the heart. They are within us, and there is perhaps a universal circle where when good is done to us that we must in turn do the same for others. When that circle is broken by the purveyors of bad news and division-ism of the populace through false ideas and archaic concepts such as racism, religious bigotry and sexism, it is easy to lose sight of the necessity for compassion and kindness.

The heart of the matter would be thus: When you are compassionate and caring for another, and bestow upon them kindness, the goodwill from such a gesture flows like a comforting river through our society and the result can be a peaceful global community working together.”

If you would like to order a copy, click here or go to my author page on Amazon.  The paperback edition will be available sometime after Match 5th on Amazon.

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