Small Business Marketing: An Insider’s Collection of Secrets eBook Released

My newest eBook to be published on Amazon is entitled ‘Small Business Marketing” An Insider’s Collection of Secrets’.  This new eBook covers a great deal of material for the small business marketer, giving inside tips on how to maximize marketing efforts with a low budget. Most small business owners in order to survive against the onslaught of a challenging economy and a taxing government are seeking ways to market themselves without breaking the bank.

Small Business Marketing: An Insider's Collection of SecretsThis book offers insight into how to be successful with one’s marketing efforts even when there are limited funds to work with.  The book was written to help small business from the size of 1-2 people, to as large as 100.  It engages the reader to think in new and unconventional terms, and embraces both traditional forms of marketing and the new and emerging tools such as the internet and social media.

Any small business owner will find tools in this book that will fit their business model, and give them the boost they are looking for.  The secrets imparted in this book were learned from trial and error on my part over two decades managing the marketing for my own companies.  The information I cover in the book is all from first hand experience and quite often derived from expensive lessons along the way with costly experimentation.  So when I wrote this book, I envisioned being able to offer other small businesses a road map to help them save money by taking the right steps to begin with without the expensive trial and error.

Certainly with any marketing position, there is always going to be a degree of experimenting one must engage in.  However, this book will provide a path to avoid major and expensive mistakes by using some common sense preparation steps in ones planning.  The book also includes at the end a 10 step plan to set the foundation of any small business marketing campaign to serve as a launching pad for a larger one as the company grows.

Small Business Marketing is never an exact science, as there are so many different types of small businesses out there.  However, there are some fundamental tools every small business can use in this book which will help them do their job a lot faster with successful results.

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