The Relaunch of my YouTube Channel

In November of 2020, I decided to re-launch my YouTube channel that had become dormant for almost a decade. I decided to reconnect with my passion for creating and editing video, but this time with a new purpose. With the troubling times we have lived in the past year, there…

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Recap of 2020

Now that 2020 is done, I thought I would do a quick recap of my year. As with everyone, the challenges were unique this year beyond expectations. From the restrictions of lockdowns, to the changes in social interaction imposed by new rules such as social distancing and the wearing of…

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Home Run Dog Park Project

For most of 2019, I spent a lot of volunteer time working to raise money and build a dog park in the City of Battle Creek. I served on a committee with 5 other people on this project. On August 23rd, the Home Run Dog Park officially opened. After 18…

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