Calendar of Events

Book Tour 2025

Author Michael Delaware will be touring around Southwest and Western Michigan in 2025 at a variety of speaking engagements, festivals and other events.

Victorian Southwest Michigan True Crime is a collection of 17 stories from southwest Michigan in the 1800's, and was released on March 11, 2024. This book is now available, and a signed copy can be ordered using the link below.

His new book Murder in Victorian Western Michigan will be released on July 8, 2025. It is a collection of 12 more stories from all around western Michigan during the same era. You can pre-order a signed copy using the same link below, and it will be shipped as soon as it is available.

Note: you will only be able to receive a signed copy of the book from this website, or in person at one of the events below. Check back periodically, as this calendar is updated whenever new events are added.

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If you would like to contact Michael about scheduling a book signing and/or speaking engagement at your library, club, business or other organization, send a message using this link here.

Calendar of Events

April 2025 Dates:

Michigan True Crime Symposium - Art 634 - 634 N Mechanic St, Jackson, MI - Saturday, April 5th - 1 - 4PM. Join me at the one of the most exciting True Crime Events ever! Come meet Michigan True Crime Authors from all over the state, hear stories and get signed books! Attending authors this year include Rod Sadler, Michael Delaware, Tom Carr, Judy Gail Krasnow, Amberrose Hammond, Allie Siebert, Mikel B. Classen and Peggy Grigowski! Mark your calendar for this one!

Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall & Museum - Tuesday, April 15th @7PM - 124 S Main St, Eaton Rapids, MI - I will be presenting stories from my book Victorian Southwest Michigan True Crime and covering some of the American Civil War connection in these stories.

Easter Weekend Market at the Performance Field House - 1027 E Michigan Ave, Paw Paw, MI - Saturday, April 19th 10AM - 3PM.  Join me for this spring craft show where I will be selling and signing copies of my book Victorian Southwest Michigan True Crime. Stop by this fun spring event! 

Spring Craft Show at Lakewood High School - 7223 Velte Rd, Lake Odessa, MI - Saturday, April 26th 9AM - 4PM. Stop by this fun Craft Show in support of Lakewood Soccer! I will have a booth at this event selling and signing copies of my book Victorian Southwest Michigan True Crime. I hope to see you there!

May 2025 Dates:

Mother's Day Arts & Crafts Show - Saturday, May 3, 2025 10AM - 3PM - Four Points by Sheritan 3600 Old Cork St, Kalamazoo, MI. I will have a table at this fun Mother's Day weekend arts & crafts show inside the hotel event center. I hope to see you there!

Turkeyville Arts & Crafts Show - Saturday, May 17th 10AM - 4PM & Sunday, May 18th 10AM - 4PM - Cornwell's Turkeyville 18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd, Marshall, MI. This is a fun spring outdoor festival! I will have a booth selling and signing copies of my book. I hope to see you there! It should be a lot of fun! 

County Wide Yard Sale at Historic Charlton Park  - Saturday, May 24th 10 AM - 3PM, Charlton Park 2545 S Charlton Park Rd, Hastings, MI. I will have a booth at this fun outdoor event! Stop by to get a signed copy of my book. I hope to see you there!

June 2025 Dates:

Cereal Festival Downtown Battle Creek - Saturday, June 14, 2025 - 8AM - Noon - I will have a booth selling and signing copies of my book at this wonderful downtown festival.

Father's Day Car Show - Charlton Park, Hastings, MI - Sunday, June 15th, 8AM - 5PM - I will have a booth at this outdoor car show selling and signing copies of my book.


Del Shannon Car Show, Arts & Crafts Festival - Begg Park, Springfield, MI - Saturday, June 28th 9AM - 3PM - I will have a booth selling and signing copies of my book.

July 2025 Dates:

Pickle Festival Berrien Springs! Friday, July 4th 10AM - 5PM Berrien County Historical Association 313 Cass St, Berrien Springs, MI. I will have a booth at this event! 

New Book 'Murder in Victorian Western Michigan' to be released on July 8th, 2025 - Release date of new Michigan Victorian True Crime collection by author Michael Delaware through History Press.

NEW BOOK RELEASE PARTY & PRESENTATION - Saturday, July 12th @2PM - Battle Creek Regional History Museum - 307 W. Jackson St, Battle Creek, MI - I will be presenting stories from my new book, and this will be the first event where fans can get a signed copy of the new book. I hope to see you there!

Turkeyville Arts & Crafts Show - Saturday, July 19th 10AM - 4PM, Sunday, July 20th 10AM - 4PM - Cornwell's Turkeyville 18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd, Marshall, MI - I will have a booth at this wonderful two day festival selling and signing copies of my books. I hope to see you there! 

Davison Area Library - Tuesday, July 22nd @6PM - I will be presenting stories from my books on Victorian True Crime in Michigan. 

County Wide Yard Sale at Historic Charlton Park  - Saturday, July 26th 10 AM - 3PM, Charlton Park 2545 S Charlton Park Rd, Hastings, MI. I will have a booth at this fun outdoor event! Stop by to get a signed copy of my book. I hope to see you there!

Stirling Books & Brew - Sunday, July 27th @2PM - 119 N Superior St, Albion, MI. I will be telling stories from my new book, and signing copies as this wonderful bookstore and coffee shop in downtown Albion. 

August 2025 Dates:

52nd Annual Art Fair - Fitzgerald Park, 133 Fitzgerald Park Dr, Grand Ledge, MI - Saturday, August 2nd 10AM - 5PM - I will have a booth at this incredible arts and crafts fair. I will be selling and signing copies of my books! I hope to see you there!

Portage District Library - 300 Library Lane, Portage, MI -  Wednesday, August 6th @6:00 PM - I will be presenting stories from my books!  I hope to see you there!

Manistee County Library Thursday, August 7th @6PM. 'Victorian Michigan True Crime' - Speaking event at Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts (Hardy Hall) 101 Maple St, Manistee, MI - I will be presenting stories from both of my books on Victorian Michigan True Crime. 

Niles, MI - Cass District Library - Howard Branch Thursday, August 21st @6PM - 2341 Yankee St, Niles, MI  - I will be presenting stories from my new book on Michigan Victorian True Crime. More details to follow soon! Mark your calendar!

Jackson Civil War Muster - Cascade Falls County Park 1401 S Brown St, Jackson, MI - Saturday, August 23rd 10AM - 5PM, Sunday, August 24th 10AM - 5PM - This is a wonderful Civil War Reinactment event with demonstrations, workshops, Civil War encampment and many different types of vending booths. I will be selling and signing copies of my books at this weekend event! Mark your calendar and come have some fun!

Festival of Oddities - Courthouse Square Museum, 100 W Lawrence Ave, Charlotte, MI - Saturday, August 30th 11AM - 6PM, Sunday, August 31st, 11AM - 4PM - I will share a table in the author booths with my friend and fellow author Amberrose Hammond at this wonderful outdoor event. We will be selling and signing copies of our books! Come out to see this absolutely quirky and fun festival! All proceeds benefit the museum.

September 2025 Dates:

Frontier Days Charlotte - Friday, September 5th through Sunday, September 7th - I will have a booth at this festival. Further details to follow soon. Stay tuned!

Galesburg Charleston Memorial District Library - Wednesday, September 10th @6:30 PM - 188 E Michigan Ave, Galesburg, MI - I will be presenting stories from my new book on Victorian Michigan True Crime.

Leslie Fall Festival - Downtown Leslie, MI - Saturday, September 13th 11AM - 5PM - I will have a booth at this wonderful outdoor festival. Stop by to get a signed copy of my books! I hope to see you there! 

NSRA Street Rod Nationals - Kalamazoo County Expo Center 2900 Lake St, Kalamazoo, MI - Friday, September 19th 8:30AM - 5PM, Saturday, September 20th 8:30AM - 5PM - I will have a booth at this fun hot rod event in the Women's World Arts & Crafts Festival in the North Building. I will be selling and signing copies of my books! 

Michigan History Author Symposium - Saturday, September 27th,1-4PM -Battle Creek Regional History Museum, 307 W Jackson St, Battle Creek, MI - I will be taking part of this multi-author event which is a superb afternoon of storytelling, books signings and much more! More details coming soon!

Harvest Festival - Vicksburg Historic Village 300 N Richardson St, Vicksburg, MI - Sunday, September 28th, 10AM - 4PM. I will have a booth at this exciting outdoor event selling and signing copies of my books! Come out to see tractors, arts and crafts demonstrations, a farmers market and much more! I hope to see you there! 

October 2025 Dates:

Fall Festival Turkeyville Arts & Crafts Show - Cornwell's Turkeyville 18935 15 1/2 Mile Rd, Marshall, MI - Saturday, October 4th 10AM - 4PM, Sunday, October 5th 10AM. - 4PM - I will have a booth at this fun outdoor fall festival selling and signing copies of my books. I hope to see you there! 

Marshall District Library - 124 W Green St, Marshall, MI - Monday, October 6th @6:30PM. I will presenting stories on my new book! I hope to see you there!

October Craft Show - Performance Field House 1027 E Michigan Ave, Paw Paw, MI - Saturday, October 18th 10AM - 3PM. I will have a booth at this event selling and signing copies of my books. Come check out this fun event! 

Harvest Market Craft Show - Kalamazoo County Expo Center 2900 Lake St, Kalamazoo, MI - Saturday, October 25th 9AM - 3PM, Sunday, October 26th 10AM - 3PM. - I will have a booth in the South Expo Hall at this great indoor fall event. Stop by to get a signed copy of my books.

November 2025 Dates:

Albion Historical Society - Saturday, November 1st @1PM - Location TBD in Albion area.

Writers of the Dark Michigan Author Symposium - Saturday, November 8th 10AM - 3PM - Fox View Event Facility - 975 Main St, Nashville, MI - Join me and other authors of true crime, the paranormal, dark fantasy, and other strange, dark & mysterious story telling. This event is free to the public. Lunch will be available to be purchased at the event hall. Authors will have copies of their books for sale and signing. I hope to see you there! 

Fall Arts & Crafts Show - Kalamazoo Expo Center 2900 Lake St, Kalamazoo - Saturday, November 22nd 9AM - 3PM, Sunday, November 23rd 10AM - 3PM. I plan to have a booth at this event. Stay tuned for more details.

December 2025 Dates:

Holiday Market Craft Show - Performance Field House 1027 E Michigan Ave, Paw Paw, MI - Saturday, December 6th 10AM - 3PM. - I will have a booth at this festive holiday event selling and signing copies of my books! I hope to see you there! 

Christmas Craft Show - Kalamazoo County Expo Center 2900 Lake St, Kalamazoo, MI - Saturday, December 13th 9AM - 3PM, Sunday, December 14th 10AM - 3PM. - This holiday craft show is one of the largest of the season with over 200 booths! I will have a booth at this event, selling and signing copies of my books! Come find me in the Main Expo Hall! This will be a really fun event! Stop by to see me!

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