Tales of Southwest Michigan’s Past

In February, I launched my podcast which is entitled Tales of Southwest Michigan’s Past. It is a new way that I can share stories of history from the local region which I enjoy researching. To begin I will be releasing new episodes on Tuesday and Fridays weekly, but starting in…

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My Journey with History

In 2020 I relaunched my YouTube channel, which began with just showcasing features of the area and region where I live in Battle Creek, and Calhoun County. I started with hiking trails and moved onto festivals and events when possible. It was a period of time that allowed me to…

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The Relaunch of my YouTube Channel

In November of 2020, I decided to re-launch my YouTube channel that had become dormant for almost a decade. I decided to reconnect with my passion for creating and editing video, but this time with a new purpose. With the troubling times we have lived in the past year, there…

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