I have been traveling around quite a bit this summer of 2024 giving presentations on my new book Victorian Southwest Michigan True Crime, as well as attending outdoor festivals. It has given me a great opportunity to meet people who enjoy reading true crime stories and history books. I have also encountered quite a number of people who have been followers of my podcast Tales of Southwest Michigan’s Past or YouTube channel, and it has been wonderful.
For the remaining dates in August, I have two major outdoor events I will be participating in, which are two day festivals. The first is on August 24th & 25th in Jackson, Michigan at the annual Civil War Muster Arts & Crafts show. I will have a vendor booth at this incredible event for two days. If you want to hear more about this event, listen to my recent podcast episode where I interview the organizer Maurice Imhoff by clicking here.
The final major event I have in August is the Festival of Oddities on August 31st & September 1st on Labor Day Weekend. This event is at the Courthouse Square Museum in downtown Charlotte, Michigan. This is also a very big annual event which contains a lot of curiousities and odd vendors selling all things mysterious and macabe. It is definitely a fun festival, and I am looking forward to not only having a vendor booth there, but also participating as a speaker in one of the storytelling sessions. Hoping for great weather on both weekends!

So, mark these dates on your calendar, and come find me. I will have copies of my book Victorian Southwest Michigan True Crime available for sale and signing them as well. For more details about other events on my calendar, click here.