New Book Cover Coming for October Print Edition of ‘The Art of Sales Management: Revelations of a Goal Maker’

The Art of Sales Management: Revelations of a Goal MakerThe Art of Sales Management: Revelations of a Goal Maker cover will be revised with a new look for the upcoming print edition later this month.  The kindle version has already been updated with the new cover.  The print edition of this book is expected to be made available before the end of October.  I have just completed the layout and am awaiting a proof of the printed edition.

This is the second installment in the Art of Sales Management series which follows the first book entitled: The Art of Sales Management: Lessons Learned on the Fly.  The third title in this series is already in the process of being prepared, and should be available sometime in early November.

The book will include some new illustrations that differ from the kindle edition, and is being made available through If, And or But Publishing.

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